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How is my total rental calculated?
Rental rates vary by season and duration-of-stay. Consequently, it is necessary to look at each night of your stay and determine the applicable rate for that night.
For example, consider a 10-night stay, comprised of 4 nights in summer season and 6 nights in high season.
Since the stay is more than a week, the weekly rate will apply for all the nights of your stay. For each night, we determine the applicable season, consult the weekly rate for that season, divide that weekly rate by 7 to get a nightly rate, and add that amount to a running total.
In our example, the first 4 nights will use the summer season weekly rate (divided by 7), the last six nights will use the high-season weekly rate (divided by 7).
For a property that does not specify weekly or monthly rates, the daily rate for the applicable season is applied for each night of the stay.
If you still require more information regarding the property, location, local amenities, services, or any other aspect of this rental property, then please request a CALL BACK by providing the additional information below. We will be happy to call you back and answer your questions.
In the unlikely case that your selected property is unavailable, please specify a few preferences below that will allow us to come up with alternative suggestions. Please note all property is within easy reach of beaches, golf courses, boating, shopping, restaurants, internet cafes, hospitals and outdoor activities.
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